What are the Teen Patti Variations  

The popular card game Teen Patti, sometimes called Poker, has its origins on the subcontinent. Its simple rules and thrilling gameplay have made it a favorite for generations. However, the game offers many exciting variations that can add new dimensions of fun and strategy. Let’s explore some popular Teen Patti variations that can make your next game night even more entertaining.

Muflis (lowball)

In traditional Teen Patti, the highest-ranking hand wins. Muflis flips this concept, making the lowest-ranking hand the winner. This twist forces players to rethink their strategies and brings a refreshing change to the gameplay.


AK47 introduces special wild cards into the mix. In this variation, Aces (A), Kings (K), Fours (4), and Sevens (7) act as jokers. These wild cards can stand in for any other card, increasing the likelihood of forming strong hands and making the game more unpredictable and exciting.

Joker Hunt

In Joker Hunt, jokers are crucial to the game. At the start, three cards are dealt face-up on the table, and these cards are jokers for the entire game. Any card that matches these three in rank can be used as a joker, making the game dynamic as players aim to collect these valuable cards.


The objective at 999 is to get your hand’s value as close to 999 as possible. Other cards have a face value, while face cards have no value. For example, a hand with a 4, 5, and 9 totals 18 (since the 4 and 5 make 45, adding 9 results in 54, then multiplied by 10 gives 540). This variation challenges players to think strategically about how to form hands that approach 999.

Sudden Death

Sudden Death adds a high-stakes element to Teen Patti. Players draw cards until someone draws a pre-determined card, such as an ace. The player who draws this card wins the round immediately. This fast-paced variation introduces an element of surprise and luck.

Banko (Blind Jackpot)

In banko, players are dealt three cards face down and play blind. Instead of traditional betting, everyone places a fixed amount into a jackpot. Once the pot is complete, the cards are revealed, and the player with the best hand wins the entire pot. This simple yet thrilling variation relies entirely on luck and the suspense of the reveal.

Revolving Joker

In Revolving Joker, a joker is chosen at the beginning of the game, but it changes with each round. For example, if the 5 of Spades is the joker in the first round, the 6 of Spades might be the joker in the next round. This variation keeps players alert and adds a layer of unpredictability.


Teen Patti is a versatile game with numerous variations that can keep things interesting. Whether you’re drawn to the strategic challenge of Muflis, the wild excitement of the AK47, or the mathematical puzzle of 999, there’s a Teen Patti variations for everyone. Next time you’re with friends or family for a card game, try one of these variations to bring a fresh twist to your experience.