Paskal continues to lead the industry by establishing the standard for premium outdoor fabric in Australia, setting a benchmark for excellence. With over a century of history, our commitment to excellence has established us as a distinguished supplier of industrial textiles and accessories in Australia, New Zealand, and globally. Our knowledge of the importance of durable, high-quality materials in outdoor uses guides our selection, ensuring each of the over 4,000 products in our catalogue meets the highest standards.

Our range features the finest poly cotton canvas, highlighting our commitment to providing top outdoor fabric solutions in Australia. Our commitment drives us to go above and beyond what our customers expect, making sure Paskal is a name you think of for top-notch outdoor fabrics.

Unmatched Strength in Every Thread

Our poly cotton canvas, designed for exceptional strength, withstands Australia's harsh climate, offering unparalleled durability and performance in outdoor fabrics. At Paskal, we prioritise user-friendliness, ensuring our canvas easily integrates into diverse applications, facilitating easy sewing and flexibility for commercial and recreational uses.

Why Choose Us?

  • Unmatched Durability: Our fabrics are designed to last, making them the perfect choice for long-term outdoor use.
  • Proven Strength: Our poly cotton canvas excels in quality, standing up to the demands of the Australian outdoors.
  • Easy to Work- Our fabrics are designed to be durable and easy to handle, guaranteeing a seamless experience from start to finish.

Choose Paskal for all your outdoor fabric needs today and tomorrow. For more information, visit our website today.
