The term "spondylitis" means a group of inflammatory arthritis that mostly occurs in the spine. It is an extremely serious medical condition that can significantly injure the adjacent tissues and bone structures or vertebrae, impacting a person's quality of life. It is among the most typical reasons why people have neck and back pain. In extreme instances, this inflammation can result in decreased mobility, stiffness, and persistent pain. It can affect the ribs and can occasionally cause breathing difficulties. This medical condition usually starts at an early adult age and, contrary to females, is more common among males. The other reason could also be related to heredity. Drug and physical therapy are the most recommended spondylitis treatment, and surgery in a very rare situation can be tried.


Although its exact cause is unknown, it might be a result of a mix of environmental and genetic factors, including infections. Its evolution is said to have been influenced by several factors:

  • Bad posture when standing or sitting for extended periods of time
  • Lack of exercise
  • Obesity
  • Family history
  • High levels of alcohol and tobacco use
  • Trauma, infections, or exposure to certain toxins.


Spondylitis symptoms often begin in the lower back and buttocks and progress over a period of weeks or months. These symptoms tend to go away and then come back at irregular intervals. Common symptoms include the following:

  • Stiffness and soreness in the lower back, especially after extended periods of rest
  • Radiating, rather than localised, back pain
  • Often, pain begins on one side and moves to the other.
  • Breathing difficulties and dyspnea resulting from the spine's curvature, lung inflammation, and scarring, or problems with the joints connecting the ribs and spine.
  • Reduction in the spine's capacity to twist or bend
  • Early stages of fever and appetite loss


Other signs and symptoms might be:

  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Mild irritation of the eyes
  • Organ injury: eyes, lungs, and heart
  • Pain that extends to the other joints
  • Stooped posture - due to back discomfort
  • The chest wall stiffens, making it difficult to inflate the lungs fully.


Spondylitis, however, has no known treatment, and the damage it causes cannot be reversed. Nonetheless, multiple treatments may be able to lessen the condition's symptoms and delay its advancement. A specialist facility, QI Spine Clinic, is focused on the identification and management of spine conditions, including spondylitis. To precisely determine the degree and severity of their spondylitis, patients at QI Spine Clinic go through a comprehensive diagnostic assessment. This might involve using imaging tests to see inflammation and damage to the spine, such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans.


At QI Spine Clinic, treatment plans are customised to meet the specific needs of each patient, taking into consideration objectives, general health, and the kind and degree of spondylitis.

The following are among the treatments:

  • Stretching and exercise regimens to improve range of motion and lessen discomfort
  • Using heat and cold packs to ease pain, relax muscles, and reduce inflammation
  • Physiotherapy to improve comfort, decrease stiffness, and boost flexibility
  • Movement adjustments: maintaining proper posture, being conscious of your body's movements, and refraining from activities that strain your spine can all be beneficial.
  • Pain and inflammation-relieving medications
  • QI Spine Clinic provides minimally invasive therapies such as facet joint injections, radiofrequency ablation, and epidural steroid injections to enhance function and give targeted pain relief when conservative spondylitis treatment
  • Surgery may be undertaken in rare instances to replace or repair severely damaged joints or to address severe spinal abnormalities.


Spondylitis is a complex inflammatory condition that can seriously affect a person's mental and physical health. However, people with spondylitis may successfully manage their symptoms, enhance their quality of life, and preserve long-term spine health with early diagnosis and extensive treatment, including individualised care at specialist institutions like QI Spine Clinic.