What is DevOps Anyway?


The term “DevOps” comes from an amalgamation of two words: Development and Operations. It’s an evolution in culture that encourages collaboration between traditionally separate IT operations and software development teams. This approach is holistic and enhances the lifecycle of software by ensuring continuous integration delivery, monitoring, and deployment which results in quicker and more reliable software deployment.


Role of DevOps in Mobile App Development


Here we discuss in detail how DevOps transforms mobile app development by bridging the development and operations divide, enabling continuous integration and delivery processes, and supporting frequent releases by collaborating with cross-functional teams.


Bridging the Divide between Dev and Ops: DevOps aims to bridge communication gaps between development and operations teams, reducing friction and issues, despite the disparate goals of developers coding features and bug fixes and operations teams maintaining infrastructure.


The top mobile app development companies in USA state that such cross-functional collaboration ensures mobile apps are developed with an operations mindset. It enables rapid and reliable releases by removing handoffs between siloed teams.


Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery: The top custom mobile app development company states that the concepts of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are central to DevOps. As developers commit code changes, CI runs automated builds and tests to catch issues early. It then shares the build artefacts with downstream teams seamlessly. 


Frequent Updates through Automation: DevOps revolutionizes mobile app updates by automating, monitoring, and delivering on-demand, low-risk releases. This culture encourages experimentation and releases more frequently than traditional quarterly or yearly cycles.


DevOps and Mobile App Development Company


Leading enterprise mobile application development companies around the world have successfully implemented DevOps practices to transform efficiency and quality. When selecting a vendor, check if they have:


  • Expert DevOps consultants proficient in relevant tools and methodologies
  • Mature processes around continuous integration, monitoring and on-call support
  • A track record of reducing development cycles while improving app reliability and uptime
  • Open and collaborative culture between development and operations teams
  • Experience delivering apps across various mobile platforms and cloud infrastructure.


Advantages of DevOps in Mobile App Development


DevOps is revolutionizing the mobile application industry by enhancing collaboration, automation, and knowledge sharing. With over 82% of developers reporting increased test coverage, it offers benefits beyond speed and efficiency, including continuous testing, monitoring, and quality control.


Continuous Testing and Monitoring: Traditional testing methods for mobile development are inefficient due to delays. DevOps offers continuous testing practices, including automated testing using tools like Selenium, Appium, and Espresso. This helps detect bugs, improve code quality, and provide real-time monitoring of production environments, enabling swift issue fixation.


Continuous testing, a cornerstone of DevOps-led mobile development, has proven beneficial to top custom app development services and iOS app companies, with 82% experiencing increased test quality and coverage.


Creation of Advanced Apps: DevOps eliminates barriers to iterative feedback by focusing on collaboration, shared goals, and rapid feedback cycles. Its automated pipelines release code more frequently, lead time is faster, and feature flags and dark launches aid in evaluating changes.


As per the top iOS app development companies, this empowers development teams to be responsive to user needs and deliver more innovative, thoughtful applications. As per a survey, enterprises embracing DevOps were able to develop more advanced apps.


Faster Release Time: DevOps practices standardize release procedures through infrastructure definition, automated pipelines, and approval workflows, reducing release cycles from weeks to hours. Top DevOps adopters release code 200 times more regularly, with load times over 2000 times faster, benefiting mobile app development companies like Capital One and Target.


Improved Communication & Collaboration: DevOps promotes shared responsibility, collaboration, and transparency, reducing rework time and bugs. It streamlines mobile development by eliminating handoffs and bottlenecks between roles, enabling daily meetings, slack/team communication, and proactive monitoring.


Quality Control: Quality control is crucial in the mobile app industry, with DevOps integrating testing early in the development cycle using practices like TDD and BDD. Continuous integration, automated tests, and proactive monitoring ensure user experience and revenue.


Automating the Build Process: Automated pipelines replace traditional "waterfall" methods, allowing for faster, more efficient development. This approach frees up human resources, reduces delays, and improves the build process reliability and consistency across teams.


Reducing Process Delays: DevOps streamlines the development process by flattening organizational hierarchy, promoting collaborative ownership of workflows, and automating approval workflows. This approach reduces rework by 30-50% and optimizes end-to-end load times and throughput, particularly for mission-critical, safety-critical, and mass-usage mobile apps.


Steps to Implement a DevOps Strategy


Making the transition to a DevOps method requires careful planning and the right execution. Here are the essential steps for ensuring a seamless and efficient implementation of a DevOps strategy:


  • Evaluate Your Needs
  • Prepare for the Shift
  • Analyze the Present Scenario
  • Make Way for Collaboration
  • Plan Your Budget

Final Thoughts


DevOps significantly impacts mobile app development by fostering collaboration, speeding up release processes, and ensuring quality, thereby enabling developers to create more efficient and robust applications.


For more details: https://www.a3logics.com/blog/devops-in-mobile-app-development