You start by getting something sort of like a rune (dont have a name for it yet so ill call it the equilibrium rune). You receive an entire book, like the mage publication. THIS is where it turns out to either side. It is going to OSRS gold also take the side of prayer. What it does is (like prayer) has the exact same matter where it all runs out and that stuff(ill describe how you recharge it later).

Here is the skills side for it. Lets say that you are just beginning it from square 1. The one thing you'll be able to utilize is the spell called: (something like seagull I figure ) You transform into a seagull! You now have the capacity (for approximately 5 seconds) to fly throughout regions you normally couldnt reach. EXCLUDES areas which do not have any way off if you run out of transform. Anyways, this is where it really begins to help abilities. Lets say you have the spell, giant. You click on it and it moves to a subcategory for 2 skills. Combat, or ability. Now ti goes into two more subcategories. woodcutting, or mining. Allows use woodcutting!

You find a oak. As a giant, you grab he oak from the bottom. You rip it out of the ground! Now the giant begins ripping it up. In case you have just started the skill, you will break some of the logs you have torn off. The greater lvl the chances are that you wont split it (like cooking). I will attempt to make this better after some more time of consideration (or for some reason this gets shut )

Heres for all you combats. Lets say you have just made it out of seagull into a goblin! It will reveal your name outside of these minigames, etc.) It says your username for them to kill, but if they hover on you it shows that there's simply a goblin! (ya I , theyd figure it out) but heres the way that it would also workout. The greater to your transformation lvl, the greater of cheap RuneScape gold a monster you'll be able to utilize. Would be dragon! You've got 2 options of assault. A melee attack, I guess slash, along with a magical attack, dragonbreath!all for battle here guys! Ill add more to I guess.