For the rest of Diablo 2 Items the first game's fanbase, though, this might be incredible news: players like me spent large amounts of time grinding Diablo II's supervisors and levels to dust looking for unique items, not to mention selling them online and trading them within a game that wasn't really designed for that sort of thing. (One special rare item, the Stone of Jordan, was really employed as a makeshift type of currency.)

Now, all that progress is theoretically yours instead of having to start from scratch, and it could even be portable, too: theoretically, the game's cross-save abilities across PC and console imply you may even load up your OG rescue to a Nintendo Switch.

"Diablo 2 is a very important match to Blizzard," said Diablo main Rod Fergusson. "It helped define the ARPG genre. This was the 20th anniversary of this match this past year, Blizzard's 30th anniversary now, and as we're getting ready for Diablo Immortal and Diablo 4. It feels like a great moment to bring back this game."

Under the new images, which encourage 4K and higher refresh rates including 144 Hz, this is almost exactly the same Diablo 2 it's always been. That means most everything works as before, including many beloved community characteristics, AI, pathing, the works. The sound has been remastered for Dolby 7.1, but it's still using the same records from the original game.

Blizzard has made a couple of new quality of lifestyle additions, such as a shared thing stash for all your characters to pull out from and auto-looting. However, Fergusson stressed that its additions in Diablo 2: Resurrected are optional toggles--if you still wish to pick up gold and loot manually, you absolutely can. Diablo 2: Resurrected is coming to PC and consoles in 2021, with cross-platform progress (TBD on which consoles, precisely, that includes). Eager helldivers will have the ability to sign up for Cheap Diablo 2 Resurrected Items a technical alpha prior launch. Blizzard told us it will cost $39.99 on PC.